Bubba’s on the move!
In late January, MAP Environmental Inc (MAP) was approached by Virginia Beach restaurateurs in a unique and challenging matter – expediting US Army Corps of Engineers permission for relocating their scenic waterfront establishment – Bubba’s Marina and Restaurant. Ironically, and for the past several years, MAP and its employees have been regular patrons at Bubba’s.
Juxtaposed to the Lynnhaven Inlet and the newly renovated Lesner Bridge, Bubba’s has long endured a constant barrage from Mother Nature – from routine northeasters to formidable hurricanes – including Sandy in 2012 and more recently, Hurricane Matthew in October 2016. Matthew was especially damaging by producing nearly a foot of rain and hurricane force winds. Over the past 30 + years, Bubba’s has certainly borne the brunt of many storms.

In the wake of these storms, the owners were compelled to relocate and raise the marina and restaurant, plus upgrade and fortify the adjoining waterfront bulkhead. These efforts, which began in earnest in the Winter, were intended to elevate the marina and restaurant out of harm’s way, prior to the planned opening in Spring (April). With contractors and engineers poised and ‘ready to roll’, the COE permit was the only item standing in the way.

On January 24th, the owners and MAP met and agreed upon a contract and timeline for garnering COE approval. After being engaged on January 28th, MAP quickly connected with the COE on this critical permit and authorization for returning Bubba’s to its final destination. An important prerequisite was a Federal Consistency Certification (FCC) from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for compliance with Coastal Zone Management (CZM). By February 1, MAP prepared and submitted the required CZM application to the DEQ for “expedited” processing. Typically, the DEQ processes the CZM application in about 30-60 days, however, given the request for an “expedited” review, the DEQ obliged and completed its FCC by February 22 – in 3 weeks. The accelerated review and FCC issuance prompted the COE to grant its permit, thus authorizing the proposed work three (3) days later – on February 25.
Buoyed by a successful, accelerated permission by the COE, the owners of Bubbas and MAP reconvened in a March 13th pre-construction site visit, giving Bubba’s and its contractors the all-important green light to lift, raise and return the marina and restaurant to its final destination…..and a re-opening in April. It was only apropos that last Friday April 12 – just two months from first being dispatched – MAP returned to Bubba’s to celebrate a nice Spring day, great lunch and a successful “move”.