Serving on the Eastern Shore of Virginia
For the third year, the MAP team had the opportunity to work with the Missioners of Christ, a Virginia Beach based outreach organization, in serving the migrant workers on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
This past Thursday, August 2nd, we prepared lunch for the Missioners of Christ volunteers and the families they serve throughout their annual week of mission. Departing from our Virginia Beach office bright and early, our team crossed the Chesapeake Bay Bridge tunnel towards Onley, Virginia, where we would serve the our less fortunate brothers and sisters.
Upon arrival, our team shared with the youth volunteers as they played games, taught arts and crafts projects, and instructed the migrant workers’ children in their week-long Vacation Bible School program.
As you can see from a few of the photos below, our team had the pleasure of serving such a joyful and excited group of volunteers and migrant families !