“Christmas” View of West Neck Creek
Today’s journey took us to the southern watershed of Virginia Beach, including the crossing of West Neck Creek via Indian River Road. The journey gave us a beautiful winter view of the vast open waters and rich diverse wetlands of West Neck Creek, a tributary of the North Landing River.

In spite of the balmy weather earlier this week (temperatures in the low 70s), many of the fauna are in hibernation mode. Meanwhile, the flora is still quite visible and glorious, particularly the needle leaf and deciduous trees, even in late December. Among the most prominent species viewed, especially in the bottomland hardwoods were bald cypress, water tupelo, swamp cottonwood, red maple, sweet gum, wax myrtle and various emergent wetlands grasses.

As we conclude another year – our 27th at MAP Environmental Inc – we continue to give thanks and appreciation for the many clients, partners and friends who have entrusted us in their many projects. It is through these friendships and business relationship that we are able to encounter and enjoy such rich and diverse landscapes here in Hampton Roads.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !