MAP Environmental Inc. is a SWaM certified, multi-service environmental consulting firm that serves public and private clients in the eastern Virginia and northern North Carolina regions. We specialize on projects requiring wetland studies, NEPA document approval, Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), water quality permitting and compliance, wetlands and stream mitigation and expert environmental advice.
Our company has a strong penchant for timely, personalized service. For example, upon securing an important Federal wetlands permit for a power generation facility, the Project Manager said:
“Without you (MAP Environmental Inc.),this would not have happened this soon, if at all.”

& Studies
Environmental Documents & Studies
Such as Feasibility and Corridor Studies, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Documents and State Impact Reports (mini NEPAs).
Environmental Documents and Studies include a wide array of reports that address National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and State Environmental Impact Report requirements. Environmental reports include the need for the proposed action, reasonable alternatives, environmental impacts of the proposed action and mitigation, and the list of consulted agencies and persons. Services follow environmental guidelines and ultimately address Federal, State and local wetlands and water quality permitting requirements.

Hazardous Waste Studies
Including Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), Transaction Screen Reports, Environmental Audits and Due Diligence Surveys.
The purpose of a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is to identify recognized environmental conditions relating to the presence or likely presence of hazardous materials or petroleum products that adversely affects a property. The Phase 1 ESA is performed to ascertain whether the property represents a significant risk to human health and the environment. In accordance with ASTM Standard E1527-05, the ESA includes on-site investigation to visually identify the presence of obvious signs of contamination or hazardous materials.

& Studies
Wetlands Delineations & Studies
For example: Wetlands Delineations (1987 COE Wetland Delineation Manual), Jurisdictional Wetlands Determinations and Stream Determinations.
The scope of wetlands delineation involves a number of interrelated tasks including collecting and reviewing wet lands data of the site including United Survey, National Wetlands Inventory, Soil Conservation Service Survey and aerial photography. We perform field investigations needed to define an acceptable wetlands boundary using the 1987 Army Corps of Engineers (COE) Wetlands Delineation Manual, including the most recent Regional Supplement to the Manual. After conferring with the client on the results of the delineation, we coordinate and secure a wetlands boundary confirmation letter from the COE.

Quality Permitting
Wetlands & Water Quality Permitting
Including regulatory guidance and coordination with and approval from the Army Corps of Engineers (COE), Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC), Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), local wetlands board permits, and Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area (CBPA) compliance and applications.
Our services involve the preparation of joint permit applications, as required by Federal, State and local environmental agencies, for obtaining approval to construct a project in and around jurisdictional waters and wetlands. We submit and track the progress of the permit application, attend meetings when necessary, and coordinate with the client until the wetlands and water quality permits are issued.

& Design
Mitigation Planning & Design
Including Wildlife Corridor Studies, Wetlands and Stream Mitigation Planning and Banking, Conceptual Mitigation Plans and Detailed Construction Plans.
Our services include a full range of stream and wetlands mitigation activities from conceptual ideas to detailed compensation plans. We typically provide compensation plans for tidal and non-tidal waters and wetlands throughout Virginia, particularly the Hampton Roads area. Our plans satisfy Federal, State and local compensation plan requirements.

Dredging & Coastal Studies
Such as Planning and Feasibility Studies, Waterfront Construction Permits and Dredging and Coastal Engineering Studies.
We routinely perform analyses and studies on waterfront, dredging and marine projects. These studies often include assessments, water quality investigations and wetlands evaluations for proposed developments in estuarine, riverine and waterfront environments such as piers, bulkheads and marinas. Our services include coordination with and approval from local municipalities on the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area (CBPA) ordinance.